The Best of Us Can Find Happiness in Misery

These are three sample poems that I’ve been working on for a new project. They are not fully edited or even finished, just drafts that I thought I should share.


Eliasaph Maze Anderson

Told sis life hasn’t been that great lately
She retorted with a “how can that be?”
“You’re a prince, we’re from royalty”
That may be my namesake
Our ancestors may have left genetic quakes
But I didn’t ask for the name
Didn’t choose that lineage
I’d rather be a commoner
Fuck that pompous, royal shit
Their crowns weigh more than Atlas’s punishment
Fuck the so-called gods
That suck their own dicks
They have power
Yet do nothing with it

God chose to play a game of chess
Big mistake
You bet I’m gonna show him my Sunday best
Save the date
For the day I scythe his head off his shoulders
In Nephthys’s night
Rest in Amun-Ra’s light
The keys to the kingdom will then be the people’s right

Fuck the throne
I’ll smite it to dust
Be on my merry way
Have full control of my day
In me I trust

My Place in the Universe

Eliasaph Maze Anderson

My favourite place in the universe
Was laying my head on their lap
Now I’m running laps
Jumping over traps
Playing pitfall
Every memory of them
Sends me through withdrawal
No longer stand tall
In the face of potential happiness
No longer deserving of it all
Terrified of the risks
Hope makes me sick
No order to my life
Chaos rules
From the thundering skies
To the flaming pits
How do I stop it?
I keep walking away from them
Their blade sinks further in
How do I stop it?
My moon cries scarlet rain
Yet it’s been so long since I’ve last felt pain
How do I fix the suffering within?
I’ve locked myself out of their life
Out of my soul
I’m no longer confident about any of these roads
Patience is a virtue
They didn’t show
No trust, no faith
No leaps down below
Below is where I wander with the wraiths
Tired of following the river’s ebbs and flows
I wanna be in the know
I wanna be at that place in the universe
That checks off my goals
I’ve burned all of my coals
The constellations’ lights are cold

My place in the universe
Is to be lost
My place is to atone
To chip my heart from stone
Till then my place is to be alone


Eliasaph Maze Anderson

I have no reason to fire a spirit gun
Now I lay around like a depressed house cat
A regular Urameshi
My path was so clear
Now everything is messy
No one used to mess with me
I had the aura of a demon
A reformed delinquent
A sly fox that I kept in check
Call it Kurama
I guess what’s caught up to me
Is all of my bad karma
I’ve lost sight of my dharma
I wish my I could reprise my luck for a spectacular encore
But that’s in the past too
So, I don’t have any chance
Of finding something to fight for

I used to break obstacles with a steel fist
Did it fullmetal
I committed a taboo
Didn’t even know it
Now I’ve lost my mettle
Gone fully mental
I don’t show it
But there’s no need to hide it
No one takes the time
To do more than glance my way
To realize
That the stars have died
And I have nothing to fight for

I have fun
But I haven’t been happy in a long time
Friends tell me they don’t know what happiness is
That’s a damn crime
Joy’s smile is a far cry from mine
So, I can’t share the shine

You can spit in my face in disrespect
It’ll have no effect
My mind and soul are disconnected
This year has me so afflicted
Failure is the theme
My inner child wants to nothing but scream
And cry
He can’t leave my side
I’ve turned into a hollow
See my mask?
Emotions fried

There’s so much that I’ve been through
No one to tell it to
They’ve been through shit too
Rely on me to talk it out
What the hell am I supposed to do about that?
Like Shikamaru
Handle every situation
Struggling within
Strong without
Calm vibes throughout
Plans for all of the doubts
That have fallouts
No judgments to call out
It’s my friends my time is all about
I have no reason to share more
I have no voice to strive for
I have nothing to fight for

The sounds of me breaking
Keep reverberating
In my ears like check points
Instead of healing, they grind my bones and joints
Just like my mind and soul
The depression of my body has it sunken
Don’t know what game you’re playing
The battle menu in my world has no fight option

All there is choosing the right dialogue
Saying what I need to to advance in the story
Dealing with family, strangers, friends, and hiring managers
To one day reach the diabolical boss
That created a world where I’m perpetually lost
To my own heart
I have no allies in the final battle
My keyblade speaks to me like art
To awaken the spirit loaded in my gun
Still locked
But the words I require to unlock my truest self
My bankai
Still evades my view
Until that comes to pass in my training
I have no news

Till then I’m gonna vibe out my days to the real folk blues